X-ray Physics I:
scattering, diffraction and spectroscopy on crystals, thin films and nanostructures

2 hours lecture per week with associated tutorials and practicum (8 ECTS)
Together with Prof. Dr. G. T. Baumbach. Since WS 2020/2021 the lecture is offered every winter semester.

Klassische Experimentalphysik II (Physik II, Elektrodynamik)

SoSe 2018
Leading the tutorials (Übungsleiter)

Modern X-ray Physics II:
Condensed matter physics with synchrotron radiation

2 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorials per week (6 ECTS)

The lecture provides a bridge between the condensed matter physics and X-ray scattering techniques accessible at modern synchrotron radiation facilities. A special emphasis is given to various applications on these techniques to thin films, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures.

From WS 2012/2013 to WS 2019/2020.

Condensed matter physics with synchrotron radiation

WS 2011/2012

In this lecture the emphasis was given on the determination of structure (powder and single-crystal diffraction, reflectivity), diffusion and dynamics (inelastic and thermal diffuse scattering), and magnetism (magnetic scattering, circular dichroism, nuclear resonant scattering) in thin films, nanostructures, and interfaces. The lecture was presented in form of a seminar by the PhD students of the Scattering Group at the Institute for Synchrotron Radiation.

The group is financially supported by:


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